Trumpā€™s Plan to Replace Income Tax with Tariffs: A Game Changer or a Risky Move? economy history taxes

Imagine a world where your paycheck arrives without income tax deductions. Sounds great, right? Well, that’s exactly what President Donald Trump is proposing—eliminating the federal income tax and funding the government primarily through tariffs. While it might sound appealing at...

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Can a Person Legally Refuse to Pay Income Taxes? What Happens If You Try Opting Out irs tax evasion taxes

Every year, millions of Americans file their tax returns, paying their fair share to the IRS. But did you know there's a growing movement of people who believe you don't actually have to pay income taxes? They claim there’s a legal way to avoid it, pointing to specific laws, definitions,...

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2024 Election: Trump Vs Harris Tax Plan, How it Could Affect You? economy tax tips taxes

Could the 2024 presidential election completely wreck your taxes? The stakes couldn't be higher, and the consequences could be even bigger. Whether you're rooting for Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, their tax plans are set to make waves that could seriously shake up your finances. We're talking...

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Tax Hacks for Parents: Save Big on Summer Expenses tax credits tax tips taxes

Summer Tax Hacks: How Parents Can Save Big on Summer Camp Expenses

Summer is here, and if you have kids, they’re probably enrolled in summer camp. Did you know that these expenses may be deductible on your taxes? Today, I’ve got a hot tip that might just make your summer a little...

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The New IRS 1099K Rules Starting 2024: What You NEED TO KNOW 1099-k irs taxes

If you're using payment apps like PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App, you need to pay close attention.

As you probably know, the IRS has made some major changes to the new 1099K reporting rules, and it could have serious implications for you as far as IRS tax reporting goes.

But don't worry, I've got...

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U.S. Accountant Shortage: Is Your Tax Information Being Outsourced? accounting taxes

Introduction: Is Your Tax Information Being Outsourced Overseas?

Is the accountant shortage in the U.S. real, or is it just an excuse to outsource American jobs to other countries like India or the Philippines?

Amid the ongoing accountant shortage in the USA, more tax firms are turning to...

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How to Not Owe the IRS When You File Your Taxes irs tax tips taxes w-4

Tax season just ended and one of the number one questions that I've been getting is with people who end up owing the IRS when they get the results of their tax return back.

And the reason they owe is because they haven't withheld enough Federal withholding taxes from their employer. In other...

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Pay Zero Taxes on Your Side Hustle? Uncover the Legal Loopholes! side hustle taxes tax tips taxes

Here's how you can legally pay zero or no taxes on your side hustle income.

Now, I know what you might be thinking – the idea of paying little to no taxes on your side business income might seem too good to be true. But stick with me!

We will explore some completely legal and smart...

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5 Tax Misconceptions You're Getting Wrong individuals tax tips taxes

Did you know that some of the most common things people believe about taxes is actually wrong?

I'm a CPA and I've been unraveling the complexities of taxes for decades. Today, I'm going to share my top five misconceptions about taxes that might just surprise you.

Whether you're a tax pro who...

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Should You Do Your Own Taxes Or Hire a Tax Pro? small business tax tips taxes

When it comes to taxes, you're probably doing it all wrong.

Hiring a Tax Professional vs. DIY

Imagine this... We often find ourselves at a crossroads. One path involves your tax documents and do-it-yourself tax software; The other, an experienced tax professional who will take your...

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TOP 3 FREE Tax Filing Options: VITA vs. IRS Free File vs. AARP irs tax tips taxes

Filing your taxes shouldn't be difficult, and unless it's complicated, it shouldn't be too expensive either. If you think tax filing is a hassle and expensive, I've got some good news for you. There are some free and user-friendly options that can make this process much smoother. However, there...

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How to Open a Roth IRA for My Child? Here's How! investing tax tips taxes

Want to Open a ROTH IRA for Your Kids?

Opening a Roth IRA for them might just be the unfair advantage you need! In this blog post, I'll walk you through the savvy process of setting up a Roth IRA for your child.

YES, it's possible, and YES, I'll tell you exactly how to get it done!


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