Can a Person Legally Refuse to Pay Income Taxes? What Happens If You Try Opting Out irs tax evasion taxes

Every year, millions of Americans file their tax returns, paying their fair share to the IRS. But did you know there's a growing movement of people who believe you don't actually have to pay income taxes? They claim there’s a legal way to avoid it, pointing to specific laws, definitions,...

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Did the IRS just lose $2 Trillion of American Taxpayer Money? employee retention credit tax credits tax evasion tax tips

The IRS has been issuing warning after warning, on how ERC fraud is a huge problem. This is potentially a $2 trillion dollar fraud, according to Accounting Today!

Think of it this way… If the IRS has been defrauded by $2 trillion dollars, that’s our American tax money that’s...

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Can Anthony Farrer of The Timepiece Gentleman Go to Jail for Not Paying Taxes? anthony farrer irs tax evasion the timepiece gentleman

People are wondering about the ramifications of taxes with everything that’s going on with Anthony Farrer of the Timepiece Gentleman.

I don’t know if he is or he isn’t filing his tax returns and paying his taxes, but he probably isn’t. The question is...

Can Anthony...

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Luxury Watches: The Unseen Connection to Money Laundering luxury watches money laundering tax evasion

Today, we're diving into the fascinating topic of money laundering, but with a twist. We'll be examining the role luxury watches, like Rolex, and how they can be a part of the process.

I’ll walk though a couple examples of how a money laundering scheme with luxury watches might play out.


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The Hunter Biden Tax Evasion Case and What it Means for You tax evasion

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has been charged with tax and gun charges. According to the latest court documents, he’s expected to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges as part of a plea deal. It’s said that Hunter Biden has accepted the charges and is...

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Disguised Wages: What You Need to Know! irs tax evasion taxes

Someone asked in one of my videos:

A popular luxury watch dealer has been paying his employees by way of paying for the rent for their beach front apartment, and other things like leasing a Corvette for the videographer to use. Is this legal? Can you comment on that from a tax point of view?


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